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Garth Lannock.


Garth has been in the music scene for over 40 years.
He toured all over Europe, as a professional drummer/singer in several bands.
He is playing his acoustic guitar, sometimes his piano, all in combination with his looper.

He is an experienced and motivated singer.
Garth's baritone voice sets the tone and you are literally pulled from sphere to sphere.
Spanish-tunes, groovy beats and dreamy sounds, it's all there.
Sit down, listen, and enjoy your moment with Garth, when he is singing the ballads straight from his heart.
Requests? No problem, you can choose, he has a huge songlist.







You can always follow and find him, see his schedule, watch his songlist, facebook page, etc.
Google at Garth Lannock, shure you find him.


He lives in another timeline, so he can only sing at :

Wednesdays                1AM to 5AM and 10AM to 11AM

Friday/Saturday          10AM to 2PM.

Sundays                       10AM and 11AM

REAL LIFE COMES FIRST, so if I am prevented in rl ( i try not to) , i will cancel the performance in time.

We are sure,  you won't be disappointed after the gig.

For bookings, please contact me inworld :

Second Life : Garth Lannock

Second Life : Marianv1960 Blister


Or send us a E-mail


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